Product Description
PROCOR® is a two component, synthetic rubber, cold vulcanized, fluid applied waterproofing membrane. It cures to form a resilient, monolithic, fully bonded elastomeric sheet. PROCOR® will protect below ground structures against water and water vapor ingress. The Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content of PROCOR® waterproofing membranes is less than 75 g/L. Architectural and industrial maintenance regulations limit the VOC content in products classified as architectural coatings. Refer to Technical Letters at for most current list of allowable limits.

Product Advantages
- Fully bonded—water cannot track beneath the membrane
- Waterproof—resists a hydrostatic head in excess of 65 ft (20 m)
- Elastomeric—accommodates minor structural movements and will bridge concrete shrinkage cracks
- Asphalt free formulation—does not become brittle with age and remains flexible to -23°F (-30°C)
- Chemical cure—100% solids; wet thickness equals dry thickness
- Seamless—continuous waterproofing integrity with easy detailing
- Primerless—applied directly to the substrate with minimal surface preparation
- Damp surface tolerant—can be applied to damp-totouch surfaces
- Cold applied—eliminates fire hazards during application
- Quick and easy application—by airless spray or trowel
- Wide application window—can be spray applied down to 20°F (-7°C)
- Versatile—easy to use at drains, pipe penetrations, internal and external corners, etc.
- ASTM C836—meets or exceeds all physical performance criteria
Principal Applications
New and remedial waterproofing applications:
- Concrete and masonry basements
- Retaining walls
- Elevator pits
- Service ducts
- Split slab applications
- Floors
- Wet rooms
System Components
- PROCOR® 75 Spray Grade — for horizontal and vertical applications
- HYDRODUCT® Drainage Composites — high compressive strength, high flow geocomposite drainage sheets
- BITUTHENE® Liquid Membrane — for detailing at pipe entries, etc.
- PREPRUFE® Tape — for tie-ins of PROCOR®, BITUTHENE®, or PREPRUFE® waterproofing sheet membranes
Refer to product label and SDS (Safety Data Sheet) before use. All users should acquaint themselves with this information prior to working with the material. Carefully read detailed precaution statements on the product labels and SDS before use. SDSs can be obtained from our web site at or by contacting us toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726).
PROCOR® fluid applied waterproofing membranes are typically applied at a minimum thickness of 60 mil (1.5 mm).
PROCOR® can be installed by hand or using airless spray application. GCP has a network of PROCOR® Specialist Spray Applicators who are trained and experienced in spray application. Contact GCP for further details of local applicators, application techniques and spray equipment.
Surface Preparation
Cementitious surfaces must be smooth, monolithic and free of frost, voids, spalled areas, loose substrate and sharp protrusions, dirt, oil, grease and debris and must contain no other contaminants or any visible coarse aggregate. Repair defects such as spalled or poorly consolidated areas.
Tie-holes and “bugholes” larger than 1/4 in. (6 mm) in diameter or deeper than 1/8 in. (3 mm) or both, should be either pretreated with PROCOR® or repaired with a lean concrete mix or grout. See ASTM D5295, Preparation of Concrete Surfaces for Adhered Membrane Waterproofing Systems, for further details on substrate preparation.
Cracked, pitted, honeycombed or heavily bugholed surfaces can be filled by spraying from close in (10 in. to 12 in.) but high material usage will result. Under these circumstances it may be more efficient to fill the surfaces with a parge coat of lean mortar mix before application of the PROCOR® It is also acceptable to fill in gaps with a compatible sealant or caulk.
Remove windrows, sharp protrusions and form match lines. Also remove high spots greater than .03 in. (0.8 mm) in height. On highly porous and rough surfaces, it may be necessary to apply Procor Concrete Sealer or a scratch coat of PROCOR® to provide a smooth surface, before applying the liquid membrane.
All substrates must be wirebrushed, swept with a stiff broom or blown off with low pressure air to remove dirt, dust and loose stones. Poor quality surfaces with excessive laitance may require shotblasting or pressure washing to provide a dense smooth surface free from contaminants.
Please refer to Technical Letter 2 for more information on Inspection and Repair of Concrete.
Waterproofing concrete block is critical since most concrete block is porous and therefore susceptible to moisture and water infiltration. Refer to Technical Letter Waterproofing Concrete Block Walls for surface preparation. Apply a scratch coat of PROCOR® to provide a smooth surface before applying the liquid membrane.
Apply PROCOR® membrane over securely fastened sound surface. All joints and fasteners shall be flush to create a smooth surface. Contact GCP if in doubt about the suitability of the substrate.
Application to Green Concrete or Damp Surfaces
PROCOR® may be applied to green (minimum 3 days cure time) concrete or over surfaces which are damp to the touch. Remove any visible water prior to application. In green concrete or damp substrate applications, direct sunlight may cause the surface temperature to rise rapidly, drawing moisture from the substrate and resulting in blisters and pinholes in the membrane. Under these conditions it may be necessary to apply PROCOR® Concrete Sealer or a scratch coat of PROCOR® before applying the full thickness PROCOR® membrane.
Do not apply PROCOR® waterproofing membranes in wet weather. Once applied, the membranes will not be affected by light rain showers.
Application Temperature
Spray Application—In spray applications using PROCOR® 75, it is possible to work at temperatures below 40 °F (4 °C) provided there is no frost or condensation on the substrate. The minimum temperature for spray application is 20 °F (-7 °C). Refer to Technical Letter Spraying PROCOR® 75 at Low Temperatures, or contact your GCP representative for details on cold weather spraying.
Detailing should be completed prior to applying the full coverage of PROCOR® membrane. The continuous field application should completely cover the detail areas to provide double thickness coverage. For a complete description and instructions on PROCOR® details, consult the separate detail sheets.
Inside and Outside Corners
- Apply a 60 mil (1.5 mm) coating of PROCOR® membrane starting in the corner and extending 6 in. (150 mm) from each side of the corner. For added protection over rough surfaces on inside corners install a 1 in. (25 mm) fillet of BITUTHENE® Liquid Membrane by hand to reinforce the corner.
Non-moving Joints and Hairline Cracks
- Apply a 60 mil (1.5 mm) coating of PROCOR® membrane over non-moving joints or hairline cracks and extend the material 6 in. (150 mm) from each side of the opening.
- Non-moving joints are defined in ASTM C898, Standard Guide for Use of High Solids Content, Cold Liquid-Applied Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane With Separate Wearing Course, as cold joints, construction joints, isolation joints and control joints held together with steel reinforcing bars or wire fabric. These joints are generally considered by the designer of the structural system as non-moving or static joints. Hairline cracks are defined as cracks less than 60 mil (1.5 mm) in width.
Drains and Penetrations
- In drain applications, apply a 60 mil (1.5 mm) coating of PROCOR® membrane over the drain flange and extend it 6 in. (150 mm) beyond the flange.
- Penetration openings must be sealed and stabilized prior to the application of PROCOR® membrane.
- Once sealed and stabilized, install a 1 in. (25 mm) fillet of BITUTHENE® Liquid Membrane around the protrusion. Extend the PROCOR® membrane 6 in. (150 mm) onto the structural substrate and at least 2 in. (50 mm) onto the penetration. For plastic pipes and other low adhesion substrates, a tie-in using PREPRUFE® Tape will be needed.
Hand Application on Horizontal Surfaces
On horizontal applications, use the “pour and spread” method. Pour the mixed material directly from the container and spread using a steel trowel, flexible spreader, float or screed. A metal squeegee with thickness guides at the ends is acceptable and flexible bladed rubber squeegees may also be used. Care must be taken to ensure that any thin areas are brought to the recommended thickness. A notched squeegee is not recommended since it will leave thin spots in the waterproofing. Plan the application sequence so that there is no need to walk on the freshly applied material. The membrane can typically accept foot traffic after 24 to 48 hours. However, in temperatures above 70 °F (20 °C), the membrane can accept foot traffic in less than 24 hours.
In horizontal applications where a minimum slope of 0.13 in./ft (11 mm/m) cannot be achieved, apply 2 coats of PROCOR® membrane to achieve total thickness.
Hand Application on Vertical Surfaces
On vertical applications, scoop the PROCOR® directly from the pail or apply using the “pour and trowel” method. Pour the mixed material directly from the container onto the vertical surface and follow directly behind it with a 12–18 in. (300–450 mm) straight edge steel trowel. Spread the material uniformly across the surface with only one or two passes, starting at the bottom of the wall and pulling the material up the wall. Additional passes with the trowel over the material will cause the material to become “stringy” and difficult to trowel.
Spray Application
PROCOR® 75 Membrane may be spray applied to horizontal and vertical surfaces. Contact GCP for qualified spray equipment.
Thickness Control
Application thickness is controlled in both horizontal and vertical applications by marking the area and spot checking the thickness with a wet film thickness gauge. Swipe and trowel marks on the PROCOR® membrane are acceptable as long as the minimum thickness is maintained.
Mixing and Pot Life (Hand Application)
If PROCOR® waterproofing membranes are stored in cold temperatures, allow the material to stand for several hours at room temperature to facilitate mixing and application.
Open the Part A container and stir or mix for about 15 seconds. Add the entire contents of the Part B container to the Part A container and mix either mechanically or by hand. For mechanical mixing, use a slow speed (300–450 RPM), heavy duty drill with a spiral mixing paddle (such as Goldblatt® Paint/Mud Mixer by Stanley Tools) and mix for about 1 minute. For hand mixing, use a flat board or paddle and mix for about 2 to 3 minutes using a slow folding motion.
The mixed product should have a uniform color, free from any white streaks. Take care to scrape material from the side and bottom of the container to ensure thorough mixing. Once mixed use immediately. Do not overmix as overmixing will result in premature thickening of the material in the container and decrease the pot life. Once properly mixed, the pot life is typically 30 to 60 minutes depending on ambient temperature. The pot life may be reduced to about 15 minutes in temperatures above 86 °F (30 °C).
Always install the entire contents of the container as soon as possible. The reaction that occurs between Part A and Part B is exothermic (gives off heat) and mixed material left in the pail will reach temperatures higher than 212°F (100°C).
Do not cover the material after it is mixed.
Do not add water or any other material to thin the product.
For PROCOR® 75, use qualified spray equipment systems. Mixing occurs within the spray gun assembly. Pre-mix Part A prior to pumping to bring any settled material back into solution.
Coverage Rates
PROCOR® fluid applied waterproofing membranes are typically applied at a minimum thickness of 60 mil (1.5 mm). The theoretical coverage rate (not including waste) at a 60 mil (1.5 mm) thickness is about 25 ft2/gal (0.6 m2/L). Coverage rates will be reduced over rough and uneven substrates.
Drainage, Protection or Insulation
Protect PROCOR® membranes to avoid damage from other trades, construction materials and backfill. Protection products may be installed on the same day as the PROCOR® membrane. Bonding of the protection products to the PROCOR® membrane is achieved if the protection products are installed when the PROCOR® membrane is tacky, generally 1 to 2 hours after the PROCOR® membrane is installed. To achieve non-bonded protection, wait until the PROCOR® membrane surface is no longer tacky, or spread cement dust or lime to remove the tack prior to applying the protection. Take care not to displace the PROCOR® membrane.
On horizontal applications, use HYDRODUCT® 660 Drainage Composite. Alternate methods of protection are 1/8 in. (3 mm) or 1/4 in. (6 mm) asphalt hardboard. Extruded polystyrene insulation boards may also be used and are compatible with PROCOR® membranes.
On vertical applications, use HYDRODUCT® 220 Drainage Composite. Alternate methods of protection are 1/4 in. (6 mm) asphalt impregnated board or 1 in. (25 mm) extruded polystyrene. Such alternatives do not provide positive drainage to the system.
Backfill and Flood Tests
Allow PROCOR® waterproofing membrane to cure at least 24 hours prior to backfill to avoid displacement of the membrane. Use care during the backfill operation to avoid damage to the waterproofing system. Follow generally accepted practices for backfilling and compaction. Backfill should be added and compacted in 6 in. (150 mm) to 12 in. (300 mm) lifts to avoid stresses on the waterproofing system. Settlement stresses may compromise the integrity of the waterproofing system.
Flood test all horizontal applications with a maximum 2 in. (50 mm) head of water for at least 24 hours. Mark any leaks and repair when the membrane is dry. Before flood testing, be sure the structure will withstand the dead load of the water. For well-sloped decks, segment the flood test to avoid deep water near drains. Start flood test 48 hours after completing the application of PROCOR® fluid applied waterproofing. Low voltage electronic leak detection techniques are also suitable.
Product | Unit of Sale | Approx. Coverage at 60 mil (1.5 mm) | Weight | Palletization |
PROCOR® 75 | 75 gallon kit | 1875 ft2/kit | 748 lbs/kit, net (573 lbs Part A + 175 lbs Part B) | 1 or 2 kits/pallet, for orders of 1 or 2 kits only |
HYDRODUCT® 660 | 1 roll (4 ft x 50 ft roll) | 200 ft2/roll | 54 lbs/roll | 6 rolls/pallet |
HYDRODUCT® 220 | 1 roll (4 ft x 50 ft roll) | 200 ft2/roll | 42 lbs/roll | 6 rolls/pallet |
Footnote: Nominal coverage based on 25 sf/gal for smooth concrete. Coverage will vary with substrate condition.
Physical Properties
Property | Typical Value | Test Method |
Resistance to hydrostatic head over 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) post formed crack | 65 ft (20 m | ASTM D5385 |
Resistance to hydrostatic head over 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) post formed crack | 0.08 perms (4.6 ng/Pa.s.m2) | ASTM E96—method B |
Water vapor permeance | 0.08 perms (4.6 ng/Pa.s.m2) | ASTM E96—method B |
Peel adhesion to concrete | 5 lbs/in. (880 N/m) | ASTM D903 modified2 |
Elongation | 500% | ASTM D412 |
Pliability, 180° bend over 1 in. (25 mm) mandrel at -23°F (-30°C) | Unaffected | ASTM D1970 |
Low temperature flexibility and crack bridging 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) crack cycling at - 15°F (-26°C) | Pass | ASTM C836 |
Extensibility over 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) crack after heat aging | Pass | ASTM C836 |
Solids content | 100% | ASTM D1644 |
2. PROCOR® waterproofing membrane is applied to concrete and allowed to cure. Peel adhesion of the membrane is measured at a rate of 2 in. (50 mm) per minute with a peel angle of 90° at room temperature
Tools and equipment are most effectively cleaned by allowing the material to cure and simply peeling it off the next day. PROCOR® Flushing Oil is available to clean spray equipment.
Storage and Handling Information
PROCOR® waterproofing membranes (Part A and Part B) should be stored under cover in original sealed containers above 40 °F (4 °C) and below 100 °F (38 °C). Keep Part B from freezing during storage. The shelf life is 9 months in unopened containers.
PROCOR® membranes should not be used in areas where they will be permanently exposed to sunlight, weather or traffic.
Maximum exposure period is 30 days.
PROCOR® membranes should not be used in negative side waterproofing applications in hydrostatic condition.
Apply PROCOR® membranes directly to structural surfaces. Do not apply PROCOR® membranes over lightweight insulating concrete. Insulation, if used, must be installed over the membrane.
PROCOR® membranes are not recommended for use as a tank or containment structure liner unless in split slab construction.
PROCOR® is not compatible with petroleum solvents, fuels and oils, materials containing creosote, pentachlorophenol or linseed oil.
Do not use part mixes.
Specification Clauses
Below grade areas shall be waterproofed with PROCOR® Fluid Applied Waterproofing.
All PROCOR® materials shall be supplied or approved by GCP. All detailing, application and protection shall be installed strictly in accordance with GCP instructions. Sample performance and formatted clauses are also available. | North America Customer Service: +1 (877) 423 6491
We hope the information here will be helpful. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate, and is offered for consideration, investigation and verification by the user, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please read all statements, recommendations, and suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation, or suggestion is intended for any use that would infringe any patent, copyright, or other third party right.
PROCOR, HYDRODUCT, BITUTHENE, and PREPRUFE is a trademark, which may be registered in the United States and/or other countries, of GCP Applied Technologies Inc. This trademark list has been compiled using available published information as of the publication date and may not accurately reflect current trademark ownership or status.
© Copyright 2018 GCP Applied Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
GCP Applied Technologies Inc., 2325 Lakeview Parkway, Suite 400, Alpharetta, GA 30009, USA
GCP Canada, Inc., 294 Clements Road, West, Ajax, Ontario, Canada L1S 3C6
This document is only current as of the last updated date stated below and is valid only for use in the United States. It is important that you always refer to the currently available information at the URL below to provide the most current product information at the time of use. Additional literature such as Contractor Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Detail Drawings and detailing recommendations and other relevant documents are also available on Information found on other websites must not be relied upon, as they may not be up-to-date or applicable to the conditions in your location and we do not accept any responsibility for their content. If there are any conflicts or if you need more information, please contact GCP Customer Service.
Last Updated: 2024-06-21