Our employees around the world join together to support worthy causes, including the Susan G. Komen 5K for Breast Cancer Awareness, Toys for Tots, and the Hayden’s Heart 5K to address congenital heart defects in children.
Many GCP employees also take advantage of our paid time off benefit to volunteer with a nonprofit organization in their community. Our team members use this time to mentor children in underserved communities, collect donations for a local food pantry, teach students with visual and hearing impairment, support local veterans, and more.
Many of our offices and plants globally have active Green teams, which focus on waste reduction, recycling improvements, and neighborhood cleanups. During our Cambridge-based 2019 Sustainability Week, initiatives included electronics recycling, information on sustainable eating, sign-ups for a bike-to-work program, as well as beautification projects at our headquarters facility site and a local community reservoir.
Our locations regularly coordinate with local emergency responders for training, drills, and community outreach. Our manufacturing operation in North Bergen, NJ practices rescue training annually with their local fire department.
GCP’s plant in Mount Pleasant, TN performed an emergency drill with Maury County’s emergency responders to prepare for a potential crisis.

EHS Performance Metrics
We set ambitious goals, using key performance indicators to track, measure, and report on our progress.
We continuously look for ways to reduce risk and to avoid situations that could lead to exposure. These efforts include monitoring of our EHS metrics and providing training to our employees, contractors, and customers. Our expectation is that employees, contractors, and visitors return home as safe and healthy as when they arrived at the start of the day.
We routinely track incidents that have a potential to result in serious or life altering injuries and implement corrective actions, even if no one was injured, and foster a work environment that encourages employees to participate in and contribute to our workplace safety initiatives. GCP has not had an employee or contractor fatality in more than 13 years and we are dedicated to maintaining that record.
We use the US OSHA definitions to classify incidents globally. We calculate an incident rate normalized to 100 employees.
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | |
incidents with potential for severe or life altering injury | 0.78 | 0.72 | 0.60 |