/ concrete / mix design
DARAFILL® Recommendations
DARAFILL® is encapsulated in high density wax “eggs.” DARAFILL® capsules are available in two sizes, 90 mL (3 oz) and 360 mL (12 oz), which will treat 0.76 m3 (1 yd3) or 3.06 m3 (4 yd3), respectively, of Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM).
Throw DARAFILL® eggs directly into the mixer, not on the belts or into the weigh hoppers.
The initial impact should fracture eggs, which will continue to break down during mixing and speed dispersion of DARAFILL®. The shell fragments are inert and are of no consequence in CLSM.
Wash DARAFILL® and shell fragments off the mixer fins and drum to assure that the additive material reaches the CLSM mixture.
DARAFILL® Dry Recommendations
DARAFILL® Dry is packaged in DARAFILL® bags are available in two sizes, 0.17 kg (0.38 lb) and 0.68 kg (1.5 lbs), which will treat 0.76 m3 (1 yd3) or 3.06 m3 (4 yd3), respectively, CLSM.
Break open the bags and add the contents into the mixer after the CLSM load is batched. Wash the contents off the mixer fins and drum to assure that the additive material reaches the CLSM mixture.
General Recommendations
The CLSM mixture should have a 0 to 25 mm (0 to 1 in.) slump prior to the addition of DaraFill®.
If there is difficulty in discharging zero inch slump mixes from central mixers, try a moderate addition of a concrete air-entraining agent, 270 mL/m3 (7 oz/yd3), which may generate a temporary improvement in slump for discharge. Otherwise, add DaraFill® or DaraFill® Dry directly into the central mixer, if possible, to ease the discharge from the central mixer.
After DaraFill®, or DaraFill® Dry has been added, allow 5 minutes for truck mixing or 90 seconds for central mixing.
Production Tip
To increase haul capacity, add DaraFill® or DaraFill® Dry at job sites to prevent spillage of materials during transport.
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DARAFILL is a trademark, which may be registered in the United States and/or other countries, of GCP Applied Technologies Inc. This trademark list has been compiled using available published information as of the publication date and may not accurately reflect current trademark ownership or status.
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Last Updated: 2024-06-21